Walking History in Hawthorne
An open letter to fellow Hawthorne Residents,
Wondering what to do? How about taking a walk to see some of the interesting historical sites in Hawthorne. Below is a list of 10 sites which although you may not enter the buildings, you can observe from the sidewalk.
1. Five corners: former site of a Leni Lenapi village
2. John Rea House built in 1810 at 675 Goffle Road, now the Passaic Art Center
3. Two old cemeteries on Brockhuizen Lane.
4. Ryerson (Degray) house built in 1730 at 80 Wagaraw Road (Bottagra Restaurant]
5. Judge Van Winkle house built circa 1761, 868 Goffle Road opposite Arnold’s Pond in Goffle Brook Park
6. General Marquis de Lafayette monument in Goffle Brook Park
7. Native American Wampum factory site
8. Hawthorne Theater, opened in 1928 at 300 Lafayette Ave.
9. Masonic Temple at 484 Lafayette Ave, built in 1926
10. Diamond Bridge Ave. Train Station, established in 1870.
If you find history interesting, how about joining the Hawthorne Historical Society. See our web site at www.hawthornehistory.org.
Happy walking,
Al Ianacone
Hawthorne Historical Society